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Meru tribe or Merus are Bantu ethnic group who reside on the rich agricultural north eastern slopes of Mount Kenya in the Eastern province of Kenya since the 17 century. They are approximately 1.5 million in population. The Meru are a fairly homogeneous tribe composed of nine sub-tribal groups each speaking its own dialect of the Kimeru language namely:

Tigania, Igemebe, Imenti, Miutuni, Igoji, Mwimbi and Muthambi. The Chuka and Tharaka are now considered part of Meru but have different oral histories and mythology. The differences in the dialects reflect the varied Bantu origins and influences from Cushites and Nilotes, as well as different Bantu neighbors of Kikuyu and Kamba.

Like other Bantu tribes, the Meru are an agricultural tribe with people still living in rural areas as well as in the cities. The majority of Meru people are subsistence farmers who live on small family farms where they raise food and cash crops. The fertile land produces a large variety of food crops, the staples being corn, beans, potatoes, and millet.

Coffee is the most important cash crop followed by tea leaves and cotton. Male circumcision is still one of the most significant rituals in meru culture. This rite of passage turns a young man into an adult giving him rights to marry, acquire wealth, property and make independent decisions. Meru have a strong educational foundation provided by Christian mission schools and are among the most influential ethnic groups in Kenya.

The main education institutions were started by the Catholic, Methodist and Presbyterian churches who settled in the district in the early years. The ruling of the people was essentially a gerontocratic system based on councils of elders, and in particular rested with the Njuri-Ncheke. To become a member of the Njuri-Ncheke in particular was the highest social rank to which a man could aspire.

These were comprised of selected elders who were more influential and respected than the normal membership of the general council of elders, the kiama, and their work necessitated great wisdom, personal discipline, and knowledge of the traditions.

The functions of the Njuri-Ncheke were to make and execute tribal laws, to listen to and settle disputes, and to pass on tribal knowledge and rites across the generations in their role as the custodians of traditional culture.

It must be said that the Njuri-Ncheke still hold a good deal of these prerogatives: local disputes will invariably first be dealt with by the Njuri-Ncheke, and only when cases cannot be solved or concern matters involving non-Meru people, are they passed on to the modern Kenyan judicial system.

To know in detail what documents are needed to go to London, or in general to England, it is necessary, first of all, to clarify what Brexit is. Literally, it is the union of two different words: Great Britain and exit (from English Britain - Great Britain - and exit - exit). Materially, on the other hand, it indicates the process, which began in March 2017, through which the United Kingdom is expected to leave the European Union.

As a result of this transition, some things have changed, while others have not changed. One of the most frequently asked questions, however, remains the same and concerns travel and transfers to the UK: do you need a passport to go to London? And consequently to this: Is the simple Identity Card enough? Is any particular visa required to allow access to England? To dispel any doubts in this regard and shed light on the thorny question of whether or not it is necessary to have a passport to London, let's try to clarify.

As we have seen, Brexit is sanctioning the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union. Despite this, a passport is Explore Outdoors Australia not required to go to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in 2019. For citizens of the European Union, it is therefore sufficient to have a valid identity card for expatriation. It is necessary, before leaving, to check that the card shows the words: "VALID FOR EXPATRIATION", otherwise we will not be able to use it to travel to the UK. Furthermore, given the rigidity in this matter by the English authorities, it is necessary to check the wear of the document. Identity cards cut, tattered, hard to read, with missing parts, or taped with tape, or photos in which we are not recognizable, will never be accepted by the public forces.

So, before finding yourself in unpleasant situations, we strongly recommend that you have your municipality check the validity of our document before leaving.

Even for minors it will be sufficient to have a valid identity card for expatriation.

The driving license is not considered a valid document for expatriation and consequently cannot be used to travel to England.

As for all non-EU citizens, to go to London and Great Britain, a passport and in some cases even special visas will always be required (depending on the activities that must be carried out in the country).

To check which countries and in which situations it is necessary to have a visa to enter the UK, it will be possible to consult the official website of the English Government, where, by simply selecting the citizenship, it will be possible to know which type of visa will be required to enter the country.

We simply reiterate what has already been explained in the previous paragraphs. If you are a citizen of the European Union, to enter the United Kingdom, it will be sufficient to have a valid identity card for expatriation. Of course the passport can make your life easier in many situations. For example, airport checks are much simpler and faster. Furthermore, if you lose your identity card, having your passport available, you will save yourself endless queues at the Italian consulate, where you will have to present a correct declaration of loss or theft filled in correctly.

While if you are a non-EU citizen, you will need a valid passport with an updated and easily recognizable photo.

In the event that you are planning a transfer to London for study or work, which therefore involves a longer duration, than a simple holiday, we would like to advise you to get a passport. It is still not mandatory, as specified above, but it is definitely highly recommended. It will make your life easier on several occasions. In England there is no equivalent for our identity card and for many operations citizens simply show their driving license. However, there are some situations, more bureaucratic, in which the passport will simplify your life (for example when opening a current account, or for registering at the medical center, or even to activate services and utilities such as electricity, water or gas) .

Whether for study or work, it will not be necessary to apply for a visa for all citizens of the European Union.